Welcome to Frisk
Yay! If you are seeing this, you found the homepage of my free theme, called Frisk. It's an awesome theme for everyone who want's a sleek and responsive way to share their projects, thoughts, pictures, videos and more.

What can I do with this theme?
Of course you can do plenty of things with this theme, possible use-cases are:
Show your work to the world! You can use the projects-page to show all of your projects or maybe just show some of them on the homepage (as you can see below).
Personal Website
Show yourself from your best side! With large images and many other elements to use.
The projects-section was designed with the use-case of a blog in mind. So why not share your thoughts instead of your latest projects? Or both: you can have as many projects pages as you want.
Have fun with Kirby and Frisk!